Our expert team has a wealth of experience in the Natural Resources space across a wide range of equity, debt and M&A transactions spanning various commodity groups and jurisdictions.

Nick Chalmers
Nick is an experienced Mining research analyst having worked at Cannacord, Mirabaud, Stifel and Zeus. A qualified geologist, Nick holds an MSc in Mineral Project Appraisal from the Royal School of Mines.

Dragan Trajkov
Dragan has more than 13 years experience in the Oil & Gas industry as an equity research analyst. Previously he worked for Genuity, Renaissance Capital and Stifel, covering a variety of E&P companies across different geographies.

Alex Wood
Alex graduated with a Masters from the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College. He has over 20 years experience in Mining equity research, specialist sales and corporate broking. Alex has advised a wide range of natural resource companies both in the primary and secondary markets.

Keith Dowsing
Keith Dowsing is a highly experienced sales and corporate broking professional in the natural resources and alternative energy sectors. Keith has decades of transactional experience placing private capital, IPOs and secondary placements with institutional and UHNW investors.